Thursday, October 27, 2011

O Bloody Viral...

O bloody viral, why are you back
Get away... I'm sick of your attack

You return once or twice every semester
You pin me down and you pester

My eyes are strained and so is my throat
My head spins around and it feels like it's afloat

My body aches and my limbs are weak
It feels like a marathon to go take a leak

My nose is all red
And I'm hardly out of my bed

Neither can I think straight, you're all over me
Nor can I sleep well, this coughing and sneezing wakes me

They say if you take medicines, you're good within a week
Or else it takes 7 days, so to speak

So I went to a doctor and got a cure
And she was confident that it was Viral for sure

Now I'm back with antibiotics and diet restriction
Trying to get better and waiting for your eviction

O bloody viral, never be back...
I'm really really really sick of your attack

© Sneh Bhatt

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